Eva Manhart

Eva Manhart – Sports and Lifestyle Photographer

SwimmingTagged 1 of 9
A swimmer wearing a white swim cap and goggles is performing a breaststroke in a pool, with their reflection visible in the water
  • 400mm 400mm
  • ƒ/2.8
  • 1/2000s
  • ISO 2,000
  • +1ev
A person diving into a pool, with their legs and feet in focus against a blurred blue background © Eva Manhart, All rights reserved
Swimmers diving into a pool from starting blocks, with colorful lane dividers and reflections on the water © Eva Manhart, All rights reserved
A young swimmer performing the front crawl in an indoor pool
A swimmer in a blue cap and goggles performing a backstroke in a swimming pool, captured underwater © Eva Manhart, All rights reserved
A swimmer underwater in a pool, with trees and a cloudy sky visible above the water's surface
A swimmer underwater in a pool, captured mid-stroke with bright blue lights illuminating the scene © Eva Manhart, All rights reserved
A swimmer wearing a blue swim cap and goggles is captured mid-stroke in a pool, with water splashing around their head © Eva Manhart, All rights reserved

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