Eva Manhart

Eva Manhart – Sports and Lifestyle Photographer

I’m Eva Manhart, a seasoned Sports and Lifestyle Photographer with a dynamic portfolio spanning sports, event, and action photography. With a passion for capturing the raw energy and emotion of the moment, my work is characterized by a keen eye for detail, focus, scenery, and light that brings every shot to life.

My journey began with „Diener Press Photographers“, where I honed my skills and developed a unique perspective on visual storytelling. Currently, as an APA press photographer, I continue to push the boundaries of creativity, delivering compelling images that resonate with audiences.

Beyond my press work, I collaborate with a diverse range of clients, including brands, major federations, event organizers, and sports clubs, providing professional freelance services that are tailored to meet their unique needs. My dedication to excellence and my ability to seamlessly capture the essence of high-octane events make me the go-to photographer for those looking to make a lasting impact through visual media.

Let’s create stunning, memorable moments together!

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